Book of the Month
Each month we ask different people to recommend a book that has particularly meant something to them. It can be fiction, non-fiction or a children’s book. It might be the book that first inspired them to read or a special book that they like to share. We include it with a short explanation of why they chose this book.
We all love book recommendations and the books that are chosen are then given as part of our programme to the most suitable project – this could be Prison Reading Groups with a Book Talk resource created by our volunteers, or Books in the Nick or Books for First Nighters which offer a moment of escapism in what can be a traumatising and confusing time.
Children’s book choices become part of our school projects including Breakfast Book Clubs or a partner programme with Book Clubs in Schools, Children Heard and Seen or Cianna’s smile.

Some of our most memorable Books of the Month include a recommendation from Tim Peake, the astronaut, for Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. “It is a beautifully written autobiography of adventure, exploration and courage in the face of adversity. As a young teenager who dreamt of flying, this book inspired me to follow that passion”.
Ali Smith, who won the Pleasure of Reading Prize in 2021 recommended Long Way Down. “It is written for the young adult market but it’s one of those versatile, beautifully made books that will strike a chord no matter how old or young its reader is. A brilliant, shining uncompromising book about what moves us to act, what the consequences of our actions are, and how to unfix destiny. It’s a street-smart novel for right now, it’s an ancient tale, and it’s the kind of book that will always change lives.”
Michael Rosen recommended Clown by Quentin Blake. “There’s no words. It’s a story told in pictures. At first glance it seems like a funny cartoon about a toy clown who can’t explain things to people. Then, as it unfolds, we see that it’s a story about loss, poverty and care. It’s a fantastic book for people of all ages to share, talk about and wonder.”
Sharing their recommendation gives the pleasure of reading to a wider audience.
You can find all of our previous Book of the Month recommendations, here.