Our Supporters
Give a Book relies entirely on the generosity of those who care about giving books. We would like to thank all of our individual supporters who help to promote books and the pleasure of reading in the hardest places. We are especially grateful to the following for their generosity:

Support us with books for Prison Reading Groups, Family Days, Books For First Nighters and Raising Readers.

The Trust have generously supported our family reading initiatives for almost ten years and it has made an enormous difference.

The national prisoners’ newspaper publishes PRG’s regular columns, Finding a Good Read and Reading Group Roundup.

We are delighted to have a partnership with the Royal Society of Literature. The RSL has generously supplied foreign language books that are so needed in the prisons we work with. Many RSL authors support us by providing resources and book recommendations for Finding a Good Read and by making visiting prison libraries and Prison Reading Groups.

We are honoured and so grateful to be generously supported by the new World of Books (Wob) foundation. The donation from World of Books means that we can get more books into the hands of those who need them the most helping to foster reading for pleasure environments in every place that we work. To read more about Wob’s new foundation click here.
And also thanks to
M.L. Astor Charitable Trust, Blavatnik Family Foundation, John Coates Charitable Trust, Diana De Yong Charitable Trust, D.R.Fine Charitable Trust, Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust, The Charles Hayward Foundation, Kusuma Trust, Leigh Trust, Lund Trust, Marks Family Charitable Trust, Newby Trust, Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust, Lord Sainsbury, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Southall Trust, Turvey Family Foundation, Wates Foundation, Westminster Foundation, Sheila Whitley Trust, Woodward Charitable Trust, James Fergusson Books & Manuscripts, Whitley Asset Management, Bloomsbury Publishing, Estate of Ted Hughes, Toppsta, Ninja Book Box, Lightbulb Trust, The Garfield Weston Foundation.