Family Days

Prisons organise Family Days to help prisoner parents bond with their children and partners. Prison Reading Groups (PRG) & Give a Book support these days with a bag and a book that families can enjoy on the day and children can take home as a tangible reminder of good time spent together. We send new books carefully chosen with the help of children’s bookshops, publishers and specialist volunteers to get a selection of engaging, accessible and varied books. Where possible we also provide volunteers to encourage parents and children to read together.

In 2022 PRG supported 60+ Family Days in 35 prisons. 

“This is an excellent scheme. Dad read with our youngest and it’s an excellent way to spend time together and it creates lovely memories for when we look at the books at home.” (Parent)

“I think it is amazing, makes family day so much more enjoyable.” (Parent)

“Had a great day and it was a nice touch to be able to give my kids books to take with them. Feels like I’ve been able to get them a Christmas present which I haven’t been able to do for a long time.” (Parent)
