Ellie’s Friends

Give a Book works with the wonderful charity Ellie’s Friends, who are dedicated to improving the lives people with cancer. We send a monthly mixed selection of light reading to be enjoyed. Each bundle contains ten titles and is delivered to a different recipient every month.  Below are a few responses we have received from the various book bundles.


“I cannot believe the simply wonderful selection of books which has landed here. Absolutely brilliant variety – a couple of old favourites, which I can’t wait to re-read, unread books I have had on my list The Diary of a Provincial Lady, which I have already pounced on and am reading with joy. Unknowns with tempting dust-jacket summaries, and, poetry. I cannot thank you enough. Books to enjoy, to lift the spirits, to share, and I already feel better and am looking forward to the next few weeks more than I was before I opened the box.

Thank you for such a loving gift of literary pleasure.” (August 2020)

“I was so thrilled to receive my book bundle – what a rich selection of titles, all so inviting and appealing. As well as being all new to me, it feels like they were magically hand-picked to accord with my interests. It was such a pleasure to unpack them one by one, exclaiming at each new discovery. Thank you so much – what a lovely gift to receive, it will keep me immersed in book heaven for some time.” (June 2020)

“My book bundle arrived today and I just wanted to say how happy and excited I am to have so many books to read and to keep my mind occupied through the months of treatment ahead. They really will make a difference. Thank you so much.”

“I received my book bundle today and i wanted to say thank you to you and to give a book so much for the lovely gift. The books will make my chemo and surgery recovery a lot brighter and entertained as I really enjoy reading.”



