Picture Book Club
Book Clubs in Schools now have a new programme for primary schools – Picture Book Club.
Taking our peer-led book club model we have created resources for picture books for Year 5 to share with Year 1. The simple activity booklet encourages parents to re-read the books with their children and to visit their local library to find a copy to read and share, encouraging the links between schools and the libraries.
The aim of the Picture Book Club is to achieve the following outcomes:
- Increased confidence of Y5s as readers
- Opportunity for Y5s to model reading
- Reinforce a reading for pleasure culture throughout the school
- Inspire the younger pupils to be readers
- Opportunity for Y1 pupils to be read to more regularly and experience a wider range of stories (particularly for those who might not be read to at home)
- A space for Y1 and Y5 pupils to talk about picture books on a one to one or small group basis and develop their ‘book talk’
We refresh the books each term and there are 15 books in a pack.