Shared Reading Groups at The Reader Org

Our friends The Reader Org have sent us word and pictures of the Kensal Book Break group reading The Painted Veil by Somerset Maugham, sharing their personal responses to the book as they read it together, over a cup of tea and biscuits. “This book has got everything; gossip, history, romance. A gripping story so far, can’t wait to find out what happens next.”

In all of their shared reading groups they read aloud together from the same text, often taking several months to read a whole book as they share the experience of the story unfolding week by week. They tell us: “It’s brilliant for us to have these sets of several copies of the same book which we can keep for as long as it takes us to read the whole book, and will be read by other groups in future.

You can find all their weekly shared reading groups HERE.

The Reader Org Kensal Book Break

